No family should have to decide between diapers and basic essentials like food or gas. That's why we encourage you to 'Choose Your Impact' by offering essential diaper relief to families in need.

'Choose Your Impact' Donation Package:

  • $20 Donation: Supports with 24 diapers and 200 wipes – perfect for short-term needs.

  • $25 Donation: Provides 30 diapers and 250 wipes – great for about a week's care for newborns or infants.

  • $40 Donation: Contributes 48 diapers and 400 wipes – ideal for significantly helping a toddler through the month.

  • $50 Donation: Offers 60 diapers and 500 wipes – a substantial help for about two weeks.

By choosing your impact, you're not just donating; you're offering a lifeline to families in our community and beyond, ensuring that no child goes without the basics needed to thrive.

Every donation, big or small, makes a significant difference in keeping babies happy, healthy, and comfortable. We encourage you to consider how you can make an impact today to support families across the nation facing diaper needs. Together, we can ensure that all little ones have the opportunity to play, learn, and thrive.

Don't forget to check out our Amazon Wishlist for other essential items that can make a huge difference in the lives of families in need.

Donate & Choose Your Impact

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For check donations, please get in touch with us.

Washington State Combined Fund Drive

Washington State employees can support us.

Charity Code: 1481907